Why You Might Not Want PUFA

While omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acid are deemed essential for humans, a “deficiency” in these lipids seem to have some advantages. It would almost be impossible to exclude some forms of omega 3 from the diets. Even the food items like red meat and green leafy vegetables contain alpha-lipoic acid.

When polyunsaturated fats are replaced by limited saturated fats or excluded from the diet, the body can make its own saturated or unsaturated fats, these are mostly saturated palmitic and stearic acid and the unsaturated mead acid (omega 9).

Palmitic inhibits nitric oxide[1], stearic acid can inhibit carcinogenesis[2] and the mead acid (inhibit cancer[3]) will increase after essential fatty acids deficiency (EFAD). A deficiency in the essential acids was found to be more anti-inflammatory than the anti-inflammatory omega 3[4] as EFAD cells are very limited in their ability to produce lactic acid and lipid peroxidation[5]. When mice were raised with an essential fatty acid deficiency, it became impossible to produce obesity even on a high-fat diet[6], furthermore, it was found that mice had long term protection against diet-induced liver steatosis and hypercholesterolemia[7], decreased anxiety in adult life[8], lower inflammation[9], and are not/less susceptible to diabetes or poisons in different models[10][11][12][13]. EFAD protects against glomerular macrophage infiltration and the ensuing proteinuria[14], possibly lupus[15][16], thermal injury[17], reduces tissue damage[18], nitric oxide[19]endotoxins[20][21] and by depriving prostaglandins from being formed is a valid model for studying anti-inflammatory mechanisms[22].

When the EFAD is studied when infused with sugar it seems to shows increased uptake of sugar resulting in hypoglycemia and high circulating insulin levels[23] (possibly meaning that less insulin is needed and/or works better, this is supported by the fact that EFAD increases the metabolic rate[24]). Other studies point to the fact that essential fatty acids (EFA) are important for development of tumors. As one group of researchers noted;

“These findings demonstrate that physiological levels of EFA are important for a tumor to metastasize in secondary organs”[25]

If you like to read more, read the book Fishy Business Here

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